
What do we use for AI Inside?

People have asked what we use to create this show. As we use and rely on these services, we are happy to share this information here.
NOTE: All links on this page are affiliate links, which means we do earn a portion of the transaction if you choose to purchase one of these services for yourself after clicking the link. Thank you for supporting independent podcasting!

  • Podcastpage: This is the tool we use to create our website. It was easy to spin the site up in a matter of a few days.
  • Acast: Our podcast host, though Acast offers a number of other services to make podcasting easier for independents like us. Sign up through this link and get 25% off of your first two months with Acast.
  • Streamyard: What we use for the live technical production of AI Inside. Guests connect to Streamyard easily, Jason has access to control the audio and video liveswitching. It's like a Tricaster in the cloud. Use this link to get $10 in credit toward your Streamyard account.
  • Perplexity AI: The LLM we use to help craft copy for things like shownotes, promotional materials, and more. Use this link and you'll get $10 worth of credit.
  • OpusClip: An AI platform that analyzes full episodes of the podcast to pull out small video clips for social media marketing. This stuff would take hours to do without a service like OpusClip. Check it out!